HyFlex at CUNY FAQ

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What is Hyflex at CUNY? HyFlex education provides students with learning opportunities in-person and asynchronously/synchronously online simultaneously. Many institutions of higher learning worldwide, including CUNY, have been adopting this innovative structure that allows participants to choose their learning experience and their learning environment (Beatty, 2019).
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Why HyFlex at CUNY? In the Spring of 2021,  Chancellor Felix V. Matos Rodriguez charged CUNY to support campus endeavors surrounding HyFlex teaching and learning.  The Chancellor viewed HyFlex as a path towards greater equity and access for all students at CUNY.  HyFlex has quickly become a CUNY First "class attribute" and may become an official Mode of Instruction soon.
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How can CUNY faculty learn to teach in a HyFlex modality?
All CUNY faculty are invited to read through this website and take the CUNY HyFlex course housed on the website.

College Teaching and Learning Centers can also provide additional support!
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How is assessment done in a HyFlex classroom? There are many ways assessment can be done in a HyFlex class.  An instructor can have all students take tests or quizzes asynchronously, or utilize various assignments throughout the course to gain insight into student learning. Presentations are a great way to monitor progress in a HyFlex class! In-person and synchronous  students can present in real-time within the classroom or through video conferencing software, and asynchronous students can pre-record a video presentation, giving every student a chance for student and instructor feedback.
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How do students build relationship with each other in HyFlex classrooms?
Well-designed HyFlex courses are ones in which all students have a relationship with each other - relationships that transcend modality choice. As an example, asynchronous students should have asynchronous contact time with their in-person and synchronous classmates. This can be easily achieved by creating group asynchronous assignments that all students can participate in. Synchronous students should take time to build relationships with asynchronous and in-person classmates as well. Instructors can open their physical and virtual classrooms a bit before class time so that synchronous students and in-person students can engage in "before class" chatter and relationship building. All students can build relationships with their HyFlex instructor by attending synchronous, asynchronous, or in-person office hours.