Module Two

Values, Equity, and Outcomes of HyFlex Teaching

Module Overview: Within this module, the values, equity, and outcomes associated with HyFlex teaching and learning are explored.

  • Read
  • View
  • Listen
  • Checkpoint Quiz

Guiding Questions:

  • How do the values of HyFlex education match the values of your program or department? 
  • How can a HyFlex model increase equity within the classroom?


Unit 2 – “Implementation and Adaptation of Hybrid Flexible Instruction” Beatty, B. J. (2019). Hybrid-Flexible Course Design (1st ed.). EdTech Books.

All links will open in a new tab.



“HyFlex Course Design Model with Brian Beatty.” ThinkUDL. Episode 37. 2020.

Opens in a new tab; a transcript is available.

Module Two Checkpoint

A HyFlex model follows the Universal Design for Learning principles of:

How may an instructor make a HyFlex class more UDL friendly for students:

Major challenges for instructors when teaching HyFlex include: