Sample HyFlex Documents

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Sample Welcome Letter

This welcome letter is a great way to introduce your students to a HyFlex course. This letter can be sent to all students prior to the start of class.

Sample Model PreTest

Give your students this pre-test at the beginning of class to learn about any previous experiences they may have had with HyFlex teaching and learning, and to gain insight into what their preferred modality may be.

Sample Syllabi

Feel free to model your own syllabus after the below samples. In your syllabus, be sure to include the mode of instruction, a description of the HyFlex modality, and the various ways students can complete and access assignments and assessments.

Sample from a graduate class at San Francisco State University

Sample from a Hunter College Course

Class Design Examples

Use this document to gain sample 40, 50, and 75-minute HyFlex class ideas and lesson plans.

Sample Mid-Term Feedback Form

Utilize this survey format to check in with your students in the middle of the semester. How are your students enjoying the format of class? Are they encountering any challenges? Do they have a preferred modality?