Instructional Strategies

Ideally, a HyFlex instructor should first build out a completely asynchronous course shell so that students who do not choose to engage with the course in-person and/or synchronously can attend the entire course asynchronously.

  • An asynchronous course shell can also serve as a resource throughout the class week for in-person and synchronous students, providing course module instructions, readings, videos, and guiding questions.
  • The asynchronous course shell can contain recorded lectures, relevant readings, videos, podcasts, discussion questions, links to formative or summative assessments, and kinesthetic or collaborative activities for students to engage in.   

Creating a positive, HyFlex classroom culture also helps in creating an engaged, intellectually stimulating HyFlex course.

The first thing instructors can do to create this culture is to send a welcome letter to students before the course start, explaining the course modality, student technology needs, expectations for student participation, and where students can reach out for support.

The second thing an instructor can do is create a syllabus that reflects the unique nature of the HyFlex classroom. This includes having a description of what the HyFlex modality is, so students can clearly understand the structure of the course. There should also be instructions on how students access class within all three formats: In person, synchronously, and asynchronously – including any links and/or passwords to video conference sessions, and specifics for user-friendly access to the learning management system the course is housed in. An instructor-recorded video welcoming students to the class and including the above information is also a helpful addition (CUNY HyFlex Training, 2021).   

During the first class, the HyFlex format, as well as the student choice inherent in the format, should be thoroughly discussed. Surveys can also be given out focused on student learning preferences and to determine whether an asynchronous, synchronous, or in-person format may be the best choice for the individual considering their unique learning needs. Of course, some students will select an asynchronous or synchronous format because of distance – but it is important for students to be aware that the modality they choose affects the way they may experience the course.

  All examples open in new tabs.

Throughout the class, it is essential that the instructor teaching a HyFlex course provides an equitable learning experience for all students – including lectures, activities, instructional materials, and assessments (Lehman College Hyflex Site, 2021). One modality cannot be more developed, superior, or easier to access than another. The HyFlex student must experience the same instructor quality in each modality, and the HyFlex student must also be able to access the ideas and thoughts of their peers in each modality. One modality should not be segregated from another. This means that course design in all modalities is of utmost importance.